Mentoring Podcast 1 of 7 – The Mentoring Life Cycle

CGA & CYC Podcast 1 – The Mentoring Life Cycle

This podcast covers the mentoring life cycle and matches the content in your workbook between pages 10 and 15.

A summary of the sections are:

Stage 1 – Preparation

This stage is the pre-session work that all mentors need to do in order to mentally prepare themselves for being a mentor.

Stage 2 – Initiating

Stage 2 is about preparing for the first meeting and building a rapport with your mentee.

Stage 3 – Facilitation

Stage 3 is where the relationship between the mentee and the mentor develops as trust builds and objectives are identified, and problems are overcome.

Stage 4 – Closure

Stage 4 looks at what has been achieved and life after mentorship.

We hope you enjoy it!

These podcasts are Copyright CGA Management & North Yorkshire County Council / Connecting Youth Culture