Welcome to Monday Morning: Solving Problems

The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them

Albert Einstein

Thought for the week

For the entrepreneur, solving problems is an everyday occurrence. If we were to look at these problems closely, however, we would probably notice that they were of different types. Some are practical, while others are more esoteric. Some can be solved in a straightforward manner, while others need to be looked at more laterally. But in order to solve them, we quite often need to be in a different mind-set. Examples are the creative mind-set, where all possibilities are available; the pessimistic mind-set, where we assume that all things will go wrong; and the pragmatic mind-set , where all ideas have to be practical.

Challenge for the week

What kind of mind-set do you have? What kinds of mind-sets would you like to help you solve problems? What sorts of mind-sets do the people around you have? How could you include them in solving difficult problems?